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Portsmouth Women Supporters Club Constitution

Rules and Constitution of Portsmouth Women Supporters Club- The Independent Supporters’ Association for Portsmouth FC Women Supporters


Constitution Version: 1.0 – 1st August 2024 


The name of the organisation shall be the Portsmouth Women Supporters Club, also referred to as "PWSC" or "the PWSC". 



The objectives of the PWSC shall be to: 

  1. Represent Portsmouth FC Women supporters on issues decided by its members through a process of structured dialogue with Portsmouth FC Women. 

  2. Establish and maintain channels of communication with the owners, executives and management of Portsmouth FC Women. 

  3. Promote, maintain and value the history and identity of Portsmouth FC Women and its supporters. 

  4. Encourage the owners, executives and management of Portsmouth FC Women to appreciate, welcome and value the support and participation of all Portsmouth FC Women supporters and ensure that equal opportunities are promoted for all supporters. 

  5. Affiliate to appropriate national and international football supporters’ organisations. 

  6. Represent Portsmouth FC Women supporters in national structured dialogue via appropriate platforms and organisations such as the Football Supporters Association (FSA). 

  7. Represent Portsmouth Women Supporters at the Tony Goodall Fans Conference. 



  1. Associate membership of the PWSC shall be available free of charge to all Portsmouth FC Women supporters with a paid Full Membership also available. 

  2. Full Membership will be for those who are wishing to attend AGMs/EGMs to vote on PWSC matters and stand for election to the Committee.  There will be no age restriction on Full Membership, but the individual must be over 18 to vote or attend the AGM and stand for a Committee place.  There will also be additional benefits for Full Members decided by the Committee on a season by season basis. 

  3. Membership fees shall be as determined by the Committee and any changes after launch must be ratified by a majority vote of Full Members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  

  4. Members’ personal details shall be stored securely by the PWSC and shall not be passed to a third party without the member’s written consent unless there is a legal requirement for PWSC to do so. 

  5. Membership records shall be kept by the Secretary on behalf of the PWSC. 

  6. Should the Secretary reject an application for membership, the applicant shall be duly notified and have the right of appeal in writing to the Chair who will present the appeal at the next Committee meeting. The Committee will then discuss and vote on the member’s application. A majority vote will see their membership confirmed or declined. 

  7. Associate membership is for life unless cancelled by the member or by the Committee. Paid membership is valid for 12 months from 1st August to 31st July.  Full Members who do not renew will be made into Associate members after the payment deadline has passed. 

  8. The standard PWSC meetings will be open to Full and Associate members.  

  9. Any member bringing PWSC into disrepute and/or violating the code of conduct (Section 11) shall render themselves liable to expulsion. A member may be suspended and recommended for expulsion by a majority vote of the Committee but shall not be expelled until s/he has received a full hearing before the Committee. The member shall have an opportunity to answer all allegations against her/him either by email to the PWSC Chair or by attending a Committee meeting by Chair invite. The expulsion decision will be by majority vote of the Committee and their decision is final. No refund on membership fees will be given. 

  10. Whilst under investigation the member may be blocked and suspended from all PWSC media accounts and activities at the discretion of the Chair in order to safeguard PWSC members and/or PWSC’s reputation.  



  1. From its formation until August 2026 a group of 5 people known as the Founding Committee will be selected by the Founding Chair with the mission statement of establishing the PWSC and building relationships with Portsmouth FC and other appropriate agencies over the PWSC’s first two years.  In August 2026 the normal Committee voting process will begin. Members of the Founding Committee may stand for re-election at this time.   If members of the Founding Committee step down before August 2026 replacements may be voted in by a majority Committee vote.  If all 4 or 5 Founding Committee members are still in position in August 2026 the Chair reserves the right to ask at least 2 Founding Committee members to stay in position for another 12 months to avoid the whole Committee being replaced at once.

  2. The Committee shall be made up of 5 positions. Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Media. 

  3. The Chair reserves the right to co-opt individuals onto the Committee to provide expertise to the Committee when required.  These individuals will not have voting rights. 

  4. Any Committee member who misses 3 or more consecutive Committee meetings without the Chairs’ approval will automatically be stepped down from their role. The Committee shall be entitled to nominate and majority vote in people to fill any vacancy occurring during the current season and shall ensure any such co-options are reported to Full Members by email.  All temporary Committee members must stand for re-election at the next AGM. 

  5. Committee members shall serve in their elected position for two years before they must stand for election again. If they wish to move to a different Committee position and that position is available, they must do so by following the election process at the next AGM.

  6. Any persons expelled from the PWSC shall not be eligiable to 



  1. The main Committee members of the PWSC with voting rights shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Media and Treasurer only. 

  2. The Committee will be responsible for deciding how revenue generated by the PWSC is spent.  A majority Committee vote is required for all expenditure to be agreed.   

  3. The Committee members shall collectively make decisions and take actions on matters between the AGM and Committee meetings, such as public statements and attendance at meetings. Normal duties of the Committee members shall include: 


a) Chair and Vice-Chair 

- The Chair is the head of the Committee and of the PWSC.  In their absence that role belongs to the Vice-Chair.

· The Chair shall Chair all PWSC meetings at which s/he is present. 

· In her/his absence the Vice-Chair shall take the Chair. In the absence of both the Chair and Vice-Chair the meeting shall appoint a Chair from amongst its number. 

· It is the duty of the Chair of Committee meetings to ensure all views of those present are heard at the meeting. 

· In the event of a tie in an Committee vote the Chair of all meetings shall have a casting vote. 


b) Secretary 

· The Secretary shall be responsible for circulating an agenda and relevant papers to those present at Committee meetings prior to the commencement of the meeting. 

· The Secretary shall produce draft minutes of the Committee meetings, to be agreed as accurate, subject to any amendments, by the Committee at its subsequent meeting.  

· The Secretary shall convene the AGM on a date agreed by the Committee, and will make all the arrangements for the meeting, including arranging an appropriate venue and providing an agenda for the meeting.  

· The Secretary shall arrange to publicise AGM meeting minutes to the membership. 


c) Treasurer 

· The Treasurer shall ensure that adequate financial records are kept, and shall be responsible for the proper administration of PWSC’s financial affairs. 

· The Treasurer will be responsible for ensuring that PWSC’s funds are maintained in a suitable PayPal/Bank account as decided from time to time by the PWSC Committee. Withdrawals from the account shall be by at least three Committee members at the next Committee meeting. 

· The Treasurer shall submit a statement of balances, and an income and expenditure account, to the AGM in the year following that to which the accounts relate. 

The financial year of PWSC shall be from July to July. 


d) Media 

· The Media shall be responsible for all aspect in the running of all social media accounts. Notably Facebook and X (formally Twitter). 

· The Media shall be responsible for the building and maintenance of the website 

· The Media shall ensure that the social media forums and account are used appropriately and in the best interest of Portsmouth Football Club and the PWSC. 



  1. All Full Members who have had paid membership for at least 12 months shall be entitled to stand for election for any of the 5 Committee positions if they become available. 

  2. Current Committee members should declare if they wish to stand down earlier than their two-year tenure no later than 1st May. 

  3. As near to 1st June as possible the Secretary will contact all Full Members by email informing them of the date of the August AGM, the positions up for election and the process to stand for election. 

  4. Anyone wishing to stand for election must submit an election statement of no longer than 500 words by email, submitted to the Secretary by 1st August. Failure to comply with this will result in their election bid being void. 

  5. All election statements will be published to Full Members by email no less than 2 weeks before the AGM.  

  6. At the AGM Full Members (Over 18) and the Committee will cast their vote via a voting document which will show all the Committee positions up for election and listing the names of the candidates for each position.  Votes will be placed in a box.  Votes will be counted by an independent counter appointed by the Committee via majority vote. The votes must be counted on the evening of the AGM. This person must not be a current Committee member.  Votes will be counted with and verified by the PWSC Secretary. The total number of votes cast for each position up for election must be at least 33% of the total Full Members as of 1st August that year to be valid.  

  7. The Chair is authorised to allow eligible people to vote by email if a special circumstance means they are unable to attend the AGM.  The vote will be communicated to the Secretary who will fill in the voting form on their behalf.  The form will be verified by the independent counter before being added to the vote box at the AGM and counted.  

  8. The results of the election will be announced by the Secretary at the next Committee meeting and the Chair will contact the successful and unsuccessful candidates by email.  The Chair will then contact all members within 2 weeks of the AGM to inform them of the results from the vote. 

  9. Any new Committee members will be invited to the next Committee meeting with immediate effect and a handover period will begin. All documents, passwords and relevant knowledge shall be handed over by the departing Committee members before 1st November of that year. The Chair will inform all PWSC members of Committee changes by 1st November. 

  10. If less than 33% of Full Members vote in the election of any Committee position the current Committee member shall retain their place.  If the Committee member is stepping down the Chair may recommend a suitable person to fill that position until the next AGM where they must stand for election.  Any person nominated by the Chair in this way must be majority vote ratified by the Committee. If the vote is a tied vote the Chairs vote will be deciding.  



  1. An AGM should be held once annually in August at a date and time to be determined by the Committee. 

  2. The Secretary shall ensure that all Full Members are sent notification of the date, time, place and agenda for the AGM, no less than fourteen days before it is due to take place. 

  3. The Secretary shall ensure that copies of the minutes of the previous AGM and a PWSC Annual Report are available at the AGM. 

  4. The Annual Report shall be delivered by the Chair on behalf of the Committee outlining the work done in the last year. 

  5. The Vice-Chair will deliver the previous AGM meeting notes and any actions taken. 

  6. The Treasurer will deliver an input on the current financial state of PWSC. 

  7. The Secretary shall deliver a report on current Full and Associate membership numbers. 

  8. The Chair can invite additional speakers if s/he deems it necessary.  

  9. The PWSC will aim to host between 2 and 4 PWSC member meetings per season.  All Associate and Full Members will be invited to attend these meetings. 



  1. The Committee meetings shall consist of all available Committee members, whether elected at the AGM, or subsequently co-opted. 

  2. At least 6 Committee Meetings shall be held each year. 

  3. The Committee can, by majority vote, decide to hold a ballot of Full Members on any matter of significance as it decides. The result of any ballot shall be binding and the Committee must action it as per the ballot result.

  4. Other than grammatical or clarification changes the Committee must cast a vote for any suggested changes to the constitution.  4 out of 5 of the Committee must vote in favour of the change for it to be put to Full Members. If a changes passes this vote then the Secretary must contact all Full Members by email detailing the change and asking if their are objections to it before allowing 20 days for members to reply.  If the number of objections totals more than 50% of total Full Members that were emailed then the change will not be made.  The Committee cannot overrule this decision. 

  5. The minimum amount of people present for Committee meetings shall be three of the five Committee members. 

  6. It is the duty of all Committee members present to ensure that the views of members not present, but which are communicated to the Secretary prior to the meeting are reported accordingly. 

  7. Any votes will be by an open show of hands, counted by the Secretary, and verified by the meeting’s Chair. 

  8. The Committee shall strive to ensure that PWSC’s structures, meetings, communications mechanisms and employment policies respect and promote the concept of equal opportunities. 

  9. The Committee shall establish & disband such sub-Committees as it considers necessary. Each sub-Committee shall appoint a Committee member as Chair, to report on the activities and decisions of the sub-Committee. Unless previously agreed, sub-Committees’ decisions must be endorsed by the Committee before they are acted upon.  

  10. Any expenses owed to Committee members or Full/Associate members must be approved by at least two non related members of the Committee at a Committee meeting before being paid out by the Treasurer. 

  11. Committee meeting minutes will remain private to the Committee unless a majority Committee vote is passed to publish them.  Any Committee member can request a vote is taken to publish minutes.  If a vote is passed then the Media Committee member will post them on the PWSC's website in a dedicated section within 7 days of the meeting taking place.



An EGM may be called: 

  1. By majority vote of the Committee after a Committee member has proposed it, or 

  2. By members constituting at least 25% of the total number of all Full Members on the 1st of the month the vote was proposed. The proposer must submit notice including the names of all Full Members supporting the proposal to the Secretary stating their desire for such a meeting.   

  3. The Secretary shall convene an EGM within eight weeks of receipt of such a proposal unless agreed otherwise with the proposer. The Secretary shall send notice of and the agenda for the EGM to all Full Members no less than seven days before the date of the EGM. 

  4. The minimum amount of people required for a valid EGM is 3 Committee members including the Chair and at least 50% of all current Full Members. 

  5. With the exception of dissolution (see below), resolutions may be passed at an EGM with the approval of a majority vote of the Full Members and Committee combined. 



  1. A motion to dissolve PWSC shall only be considered at an AGM or EGM of which all members have received at least four weeks’ written notice. The notice of the meeting shall contain the motion to dissolve the Supporters’ Club. A motion to dissolve PWSC may be proposed by majority Committee vote, or by a written proposal signed by at least 50% of Full Members on the 1st of the month the proposal is made.  

  2. To dissolve the PWSC, 60% of the number of Full Members on the 1st of the month the AGM/EGM is taking place must be present at that meeting. Then more than 75% of the Full Members present at the meeting must vote in favour of a resolution proposing dissolution for the vote to be valid. 

  3. On the dissolution of the organisation, once any debts have been settled, any outstanding monies or property of the association shall be given to an organisation with similar aims and objectives. The beneficiary organisation shall be as decided by majority vote of the current Committee. 

  4. It will be the responsibility of the current Committee of PWSC to dissolve the organisation in line with the wishes expressed at the AGM/EGM. 



All members, Committee members and associates of PWSC shall be committed to: 

1. Supporting, promoting, and furthering the objects of PWSC. 

2. Rejecting violence, abusive behaviour, or discrimination in any form. 

3. Making PWSC an inclusive and welcoming group that represents Portsmouth FC Women fans from all backgrounds. 

4. Recognising that decisions made by PWSC are reached democratically by way of ballot and respecting the outcome of each ballot. 


All members, Committee members and associates of PWSC shall be prohibited from: 

5. Making communications in the name of PWSC without express permission. 

6. Profiting from activity associated with PWSC without express permission. 

7. Using the PWSC badge or name on any flags, t-shirts or posters without Committee permission. 

8. Complicating or sabotaging the objectives, activities or communications of PWSC. 

9. Bringing PWSC into disrepute by any other means. 

10. Damaging the name or reputation of the PWSC or any of the Committee members. 

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